

Where to begin! In my many years of working with various coaches, I have never met one like Elena. I can certainly say I have never been so creatively flexible, in tune with my body and craft, and so full of growth as since Ive started working regularly with her, and its been such a fulfilling process - The atmosphere of class always feel inclusive, encouraging and challenging, and its clear she has a genuine care for the journey of her students. Elena has fundamentally changed the way I see the craft, my inner and outer world, and has resparked my love for acting in a whole new light. I consider it a huge honour to learn from Elena and would recommend any creative to do the same!
Halina Brooke.


I am beyond grateful for my Tuesday nights with Elena.

It might seem over-the-top to say but Elena Stejko’s classes breathe life into actors and artists. When I first joined her classes I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck. I knew I needed to act, to feel and to expand myself as an artist and human but I didn’t know where to begin.

Through spending time with Elena and the Michael Chekhov technique I feel inspired by life again, endlessly curious about the human heart, and full of joy in the knowledge that I am an actor.

Elena’s work lifts us out of our limited experience of life and allows us to be more than we ever could have imagined. On the floor, we are reminded why we love our art form so much as we feel deeply and surprise ourselves.

The tools she provides are simple yet incredibly profound and inspiring. Taking Elena’s classes have definitely lead me to become a more easeful, available, versatile actor. But perhaps more importantly they have lead me to a more authentic version of myself.